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Version: v2

Profiling service

The Profile service is meant to distill household information from the bank transactions of a household or client. The input of this service is the output of the convert service. The result is now a profile based on a few characteristics needed to calculate the Nibud reference numbers. The profile has the following details (if available):

  • Household composition with number of adults (incl gender) and number of children
  • Number of children in the following age categories:
    • 0 to 5 years old
    • 6 to 11 years old
    • 12 to 17 years old
    • 18 years and older
  • Information about the residence
  • Information on the vehicles (Car and motorcycle)
  • Average income per month
  • Average rent/mortgage per month

This profile can be expanded with additional information.

Calling the Profiling Service

Method: POST

Header: ApiKey: string (required)
X-Request-ID: string (required)
ClientId: string (optional)
InputHash: string (optional)

Body: Data: byte[] (required)

Errors: 400, 403 or 500


BesteedbaarInkomenDecimalNet disposable income per month
HoofdpersonenArray of Main charactersMain household characters
HuisgenotenArray of HousematesHousemates of the household
KinderenArray of ChildrenChildren
AutosArray of CarsCars
WoningResidenceInformation on the residence
IncomesArrayInformation on the income sources

Main characters

ValidbooleanInternal parameter
GeboortedatumdateDate of birth
GeslachtEnum0 = Man
1 = Woman
EigenRisicoEnumOwn risk medical expenses of last year


GeboortedatumdateDate of birth
GeslachtEnum0= Man
1 = Woman


ValidbooleanInternal parameter
GeboortedatumdateDate of birth
WoonsituatieEnum0 = Living at home1 = Moved out
LeeftijdEnum0 = Unknown
1 = 0 to 5
2 = 6 to 11
3 = 12 to 17
4 = 18 or older


ValidbooleanInternal Parameter
KilometersPerJaarIntegerAnnual kilometers driven
NieuwwaardeDecimalValue when new
StatusEnum0 = New
1 = second-hand
SoortStringString describing the type of car
KilometerStringString describing the distance the car has approximately driven
VoertuigVoertuigInformation on the vehicle according to the RDW


KentekenStringLicense plate
VoertuigsoortStringVehicle type:
• Personenauto (passenger car)
• Bedrijfsauto (Company car)
• Bus
• Aanhangwagen (trailer)
• Motorfiets (Motorcycle)
• Driewielig motorvoertuig (Threewheeled motorcycle)
• Bromfiets (moped)
HandelsbenamingStringTrade name given by the manufacturer, may deviate from the name on the vehicle
InrichtingStringDescription of the edition of design
Datum_TenaamstellingDateDate of registration latest owner
ZuinigheidslabelStringEconomy label
CatalogusPrijsDecimalList price
aantal_zitplaatsenIntegerNumber of seats
vervaldatum_APKdateExpiry date APK(Standard Periodical Inspection)
typeStringInternal parameter
variantStringInternal parameter
taxi_indicatorbooleanInternal parameter
wam_verzekerdbooleanInternal parameter
api_gekentekende_voertuigen_brandstofURLLink to RDW API
brandstofstringType of Fuel


brandstof_omschrijvingStringType of fuel
brandstof_volgnummerIntegerInternal parameter
brandstofverbruik_buitenIntegerInternal parameter
brandstofverbruik_gecombineerdIntegerInternal parameter
brandstofverbruik_stadIntegerInternal parameter
co2_uitstoot_gecombineerdIntegerInternal parameter
emissiecode_omschrijvingStringInternal parameter
geluidsniveau_stationairIntegerInternal parameter
KentekenStringLicense plate
milieuklasse_eg_goedkeuring_lichtStringInternal parameter
nettomaximumvermogenIntegerInternal parameter
toerental_geluidsniveauIntegerInternal parameter


wozWaardeDecimalValuation of Immovable Property
wozStringInternal parameter
validbooleanInternal parameter
bouwjaarEnumBuild in:
0 = Before 1945
1 = 1945 to 1965
2 = 1966 to 1975
3 = 1976 to 1979
4 = 1980 to 1988
5 = 1989 to 2000
6 = After 2000
energielabelEnumEnergy label:
0 = Unknown
1 = A
2 = B
3 = C
4 = D
5 = E
6 = F
7 = G
SoortEnum0 = Rented
1 = Owned
TypewoningEnumResidence Type:
Detached, larger than 150 m2 = 0
Detached, smaller 150 m2 = 1
Semidetached = 2
Terraced house = 3
Terraced house corner = 4
Maisonette = 5
Gallery appartment = 6
Staircase entrance flat = 7
Other flat = 8
Room = 9
huurPerMaandDecimalMonthly rent
hypotheekPerMaandDecimalMonthly mortgage
gemeenteIdIntegerResidence township
adresStringAddress of the residence


idIntegerAddress identifier
defaultbooleanInternal parameter
houseNumberStringHouse number
houseNumberAdditionStringHouse number addition
zipcodeStringZip/Postal code
countryStringCountry code ISO 2 characters
typestringType of object
purposeStringPurpose of the building
surfaceAreaIntegerNumber of m2
latitudeFloatLatitude, if available
longitudeFloatLongitude, if available


"besteedbaarInkomen": 0,
"hoofdpersonen": [
"valid": true,
"geboortedatum": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM",
"geslacht": "man",
"eigenRisico": "categorie1"
"huisgenoten": [
"valid": true,
"geboortedatum": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM",
"geslacht": "man"
"kinderen": [
"valid": true,
"geboortedatum": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM",
"geslacht": "man",
"schooltype": "basis",
"woonsituatie": "thuiswonend",
"leeftijd": "nul_tot_en_met_vijf",
"kinderbijslag": 0,
"toelichting": "string"
"autos": [
"valid": true,
"kilometersPerJaar": 0,
"nieuwwaarde": 0,
"status": "nieuw",
"soort": "geen",
"kilometer": "less_Then_10000",
"voertuig": {
"kenteken": "string",
"voertuigsoort": "string",
"merk": "string",
"handelsbenaming": "string",
"inrichting": "string",
"datum_tenaamstelling": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM",
"zuinigheidslabel": "string",
"catalogusprijs": 0,
"aantal_zitplaatsen": 0,
"vervaldatum_apk": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM",
"type": "string",
"variant": "string",
"taxi_indicator": "string",
"wam_verzekerd": "string",
"api_gekentekende_voertuigen_brandstof": "string",
"brandstof": [
"brandstof_omschrijving": "string",
"brandstof_volgnummer": 0,
"brandstofverbruik_buiten": 0,
"brandstofverbruik_gecombineerd": 0,
"brandstofverbruik_stad": 0,
"co2_uitstoot_gecombineerd": 0,
"emissiecode_omschrijving": "string",
"geluidsniveau_stationair": 0,
"kenteken": "string",
"milieuklasse_eg_goedkeuring_licht": "string",
"nettomaximumvermogen": 0,
"toerental_geluidsniveau": 0
"woning": {
"wozWaarde": 0,
"woz": "less_Then_150000",
"valid": true,
"bouwjaar": "na2001",
"energielabel": "a",
"soort": "huurwoning",
"typeWoning": "vrijstaandGroot",
"huurPerMaand": 0,
"hypotheekPerMaand": 0,
"gemeenteId": 0,
"adres": {
"id": "string",
"default": true,
"street": "string",
"houseNumber": "string",
"houseNumberAddition": "string",
"zipcode": "string",
"city": {
"id": "string",
"name": "string"
"municipality": {
"id": "string",
"name": "string"
"province": {
"id": "string",
"name": "string"
"country": "string",
"type": "string",
"purpose": "unknown",
"surface": 0,
"surfaceArea": 0,
"latitude": 0,
"longitude": 0
"incomes": [
"id": 0,
"partner": true,
"title": "string",
"tooltip": "string",
"unit": "none",
"div": 0,
"value": 0,
"categories": [
"id": 0,
"amount": 0