Headers for calling the ILT and indicator business services
For the ILT and indicator business there are two extra optional headers, which allow to control the analysis contained in the output. These are the DateRange and ReportingPeriod headers.
The DateRange header contains a JSON string with the following two properties:
- DateFrom, first day to include in the analysis;
- DateTo, only include transactions up to (excluding) this date in the analysis.
When this header is provided both fields are required. In the case that this header is not set, all available data is taken into account.
"DateFrom": "2019-01-01",
"DateTo": "2020-01-01",
The DateRange header contains a JSON string with the following two properties:
- PeriodUnit, (default month), this value determines the unit of the periods in the output,
possible values: year, semester, quarter, month, week; - FullPeriodsOnly (default false), when this option is enabled, only full / complete periods (of period unit) are included in the analysis. For example when PeriodUnit = month and FullPeriodsOnly = true the first day in the analysis is the first day of a month and the last day taken into account is the last day of a month.
When this header is not set the default values are used.
"PeriodUnit": "month",
"FullPeriodsOnly": true,