Budget Service
The output of the Aggregate Service and the potentially personalized profile of the client form the input of the Budget service. This service will calculate what a household with a certain profile can spend on a monthly basis as per category. Nibud determines these budgets yearly.
The result of this service is:
- Recommended average amounts per category per month.
- Amounts are calculated by Nibud based category schemes.
Calling the budget service
Endpoint: https://linx.invers.nl:8100/api/linx/budget
Method: POST
Header: ApiKey: string (required)
X-Request-ID: string (required)
ClientId: string (optional)
InputHash: string (optional)
Body: Aggregated: aggregated (required)
Profile: profile (required)
Errors: 400, 403 or 500
Veld | Soort | Toelichting |
id | integer | Internal parameter |
Name | String | Persoonlijk Budgetadvies |
Title | String | Inzicht in uw inkomsten en uitgaven |
Description | String | Internal parameter |
Nodes | Array of Nodes | |
Transactions | Integer | Number of transactions |
Categorized | Integer | Number of categorized transactions |
Amount | Decimal | Total amount |
Debit | Decimal | Total debited |
Credit | Decimal | Total credited |
From | Date | Date of first transaction |
To | Date | Date of last transaction |
Field | Type | Description |
Id | Integer | Group identifier |
Name | String | Group name |
Title | String | Group title |
Description | String | Internal Parameter |
Tooltip | String | Internal Parameter |
Type | Enum | Internal Parameter |
Costtype | Enum | Internal Parameter |
Voorbeeld | Integer | Internal Parameter |
Basis | Integer | Internal Parameter |
Nodes | Array of Nodes | |
Categories | Array of Category | Rubrieken |
Posten | Array of Items | Nibud items |
Amount | Decimal | |
Value | Decimal | Rounded off amount |
InterpolatedAmount | Decimal | |
isEnabled | boolean | Internal Parameter |
isVisible | boolean | Internal Parameter |
SyncKey | UUID | Internal Parameter |
Field | Type | Description |
Id | Integer | Category identifier |
Name | String | Category name |
Type | Enum | Category type: None = 0 Income = 1 Expenses = 2 |
Amount | Decimal | |
Value | integer | Rounded off amount |
Count | Integer | Internal parameter |
Item (Or Posts) are part of the Nibud scheme.
Field | Type | Description |
Id | Integer | Item identifier |
Post | String | Item |
Name | String | Item name |
Voorbeeld | Integer | Internal parameter |
Basis | Integer | Internal parameter |
Output (example)
"aggregated": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"title": "string",
"description": "string",
"nodes": [
"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"title": "string",
"description": "string",
"tooltip": "string",
"type": "none",
"costType": "none",
"voorbeeld": 0,
"basis": 0,
"nodes": [
"categories": [
"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"type": "none",
"amount": 0,
"value": 0,
"count": 0
"posten": [
"id": 0,
"post": "string",
"name": "string",
"voorbeeld": 0,
"basis": 0
"amount": 0,
"value": 0,
"interpolatedAmount": 0,
"isEnabled": true,
"isVisible": true,
"syncKey": "string"
"transactions": 0,
"categorized": 0,
"amount": 0,
"debit": 0,
"credit": 0,
"imported": true
"profile": {
"besteedbaarInkomen": 0,
"hoofdpersonen": [
"valid": true,
"geboortedatum": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM",
"geslacht": "man",
"eigenRisico": "categorie1"
"huisgenoten": [
"valid": true,
"geboortedatum": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM",
"geslacht": "man"
"kinderen": [
"valid": true,
"geboortedatum": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM",
"geslacht": "man",
"schooltype": "basis",
"woonsituatie": "thuiswonend",
"leeftijd": "nul_tot_en_met_vijf",
"kinderbijslag": 0,
"toelichting": "string"
"autos": [
"valid": true,
"kilometersPerJaar": 0,
"nieuwwaarde": 0,
"status": "nieuw",
"soort": "geen",
"kilometer": "less_Then_10000",
"voertuig": {
"kenteken": "string",
"voertuigsoort": "string",
"merk": "string",
"handelsbenaming": "string",
"inrichting": "string",
"datum_tenaamstelling": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM",
"zuinigheidslabel": "string",
"catalogusprijs": 0,
"aantal_zitplaatsen": 0,
"vervaldatum_apk": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM",
"type": "string",
"variant": "string",
"taxi_indicator": "string",
"wam_verzekerd": "string",
"api_gekentekende_voertuigen_brandstof": "string",
"brandstof": [
"brandstof_omschrijving": "string",
"brandstof_volgnummer": 0,
"brandstofverbruik_buiten": 0,
"brandstofverbruik_gecombineerd": 0,
"brandstofverbruik_stad": 0,
"co2_uitstoot_gecombineerd": 0,
"emissiecode_omschrijving": "string",
"geluidsniveau_stationair": 0,
"kenteken": "string",
"milieuklasse_eg_goedkeuring_licht": "string",
"nettomaximumvermogen": 0,
"toerental_geluidsniveau": 0
"woning": {
"wozWaarde": 0,
"woz": "less_Then_150000",
"valid": true,
"bouwjaar": "na2001",
"energielabel": "a",
"soort": "huurwoning",
"typeWoning": "vrijstaandGroot",
"huurPerMaand": 0,
"hypotheekPerMaand": 0,
"gemeenteId": 0,
"adres": {
"id": "string",
"default": true,
"street": "string",
"houseNumber": "string",
"houseNumberAddition": "string",
"zipcode": "string",
"city": {
"id": "string",
"name": "string"
"municipality": {
"id": "string",
"name": "string"
"province": {
"id": "string",
"name": "string"
"country": "string",
"type": "string",
"purpose": "unknown",
"surface": 0,
"surfaceArea": 0,
"latitude": 0,
"longitude": 0
"incomes": [
"id": 0,
"partner": true,
"title": "string",
"tooltip": "string",
"unit": "none",
"div": 0,
"value": 0,
"categories": [
"id": 0,
"amount": 0