Calling LinX with virtual accounts in the header
Another option for some LinX services are the Virtual Accounts in the header. This header allows the client to specify one or more bank accounts (IBAN) to be treated as bank accounts 'part of the batch'. For example: Client wants to send two files of some customer to LinX. A third bank account is also owned by said customer, but no files are available. Using the virtual accounts in the header, the client specifies which IBAN this is. If this IBAN then occurs in any of the files, it is marked as an IBAN owned by said customer. Any transaction from the first or second to the third account, or the other way around, is then marked as an internal transaction.
The services that support virtual accounts in the header are: Convert, Aggregate, ILT, Periodical expenses, Periodical income, Pivot, Pivot group and Profiling.
Using the virtual accounts in the header
In order to use this header, simply add to the header of the call a "Virtuals" key with as value a JSON of the following format: