Calling LinX with business files
To indicate whether files should be treated as owned by a business an indication in the header of Convert, Pivot and Pivot group services can be made. Doing so will activate the business categorization, instead of the regular categorization. The business categorization has various settings and indicators that will allow LinX to detect data about the transactions that would otherwise not be present or even incorrect. For example: the purchase of food by an individual should be treated as "VOEDING EN VERSNAPERINGEN" (Food and refreshments), but as "INKOOP" (Stock acquisition) by a restaurant.
There are two methods of using this categorization:
Using the KvK header and SBI header
The usage of the KvK and SBI header is quite simple. Simply, place each in the header of the call, where the KvK has a unique integer identifier given by the Chamber of Commerce and the SBI the activity code that should be used. The SBI code is not required, and if not present the standard SBI code known at the Chamber of Commerce will be used.
Using the Business header
A better option is the usage of the Business Header. The Business header has the following structure (JSON):
"IBAN": "NL69RABO0123456789",
"KvK": "01234567",
"SBI": "0000"
"IBAN": "NL69INGB0123456789",
"KvK": "01234567"
This allows the client to select which IBAN from the input files is to be treated as the business. The SBI is optional, whereas the standard SBI known at the Chamber of Commerce will be used if it is absent. Note that this information is used for the account owner, not for the transaction counterparts.