Indicator output
All indicators reporting income and expense transactions are based on the same calculation method and produce a similar output. These indicators are reported by the ILT and business indicator service.
Calculation method
The calculation is based on the identification of so-called interactions. An interaction is a relationship between a certain bank account (of the requested files) and a beneficiary. For each indicator and every interaction the relevant transactions are selected first. These transactions are divided in credit (positive) and debit (negative) transactions, this results in the transactions set to analyse. From this transaction set statistics are derived for the transaction amount and the number of months or days between concurrent transactions. Next, these two random variables are combined to determine the statistics for a period (default month) for this statistic.
For each period under consideration, the relevance of each interaction is determined. This results a weight per interaction, which is used to combine the interaction random variables per period into a statistic for the specific period. Per period the credit and debit statistics are combined into a total statistic to have a complete view on the income- and expenses.
The total and last three months statistic are derived in the same way as a period random variable.
Example output
A part from the response of an indicator is given below. From this output you may draw the following conclusions about the insurance expenses of this household:
- for January 2017:
- based on the average expenses in the complete period the expected expenses in this period are €8.86;
- the actual expenses are €14.55;
- for the complete period (01/01/2017 - 01/05/2018);
- based on the average expenses the total expenses over 16 months are expected to be €286.46;
- the actual expenses are €242.72 (these two values should be close to each other);
- the average expected expenses per month are €16.78 (€286.46/16);
- the payments for insurance are payed from one bank account and have one beneficiary;
- there are 18 insurance related transactions found in this period.
"name": "household-costs-insurance",
"periods": [
"dateFrom": "2017-01-01T00:00:00",
"dateTo": "2017-02-01T00:00:00",
"total": {
"expectedTotalAmount": {
"exp": -8.86,
"realisedTotalAmount": -14.55,
"total": {
"dateFrom": "2017-01-01T00:00:00",
"dateTo": "2018-05-01T00:00:00",
"total": {
"expectedTotalAmount": {
"exp": -268.46,
"realisedTotalAmount": -242.72,
"expectedAmountPerPeriod": {
"exp": -16.78,
"numOfAccounts": 1,
"numOfBeneficiaries": 1,
"numberOfTransactions": 18,
Field | Type | Description |
name | String | Name of this indicator |
accounts | Account[] | List of IBANs / bank account numbers used in this analysis (only available if configured) |
beneficiaries | BeneficiaryWithId[] | List of beneficiaries used in this analysis (only available if configured) |
interactions | Interaction[] | List of statistics per interaction (only available if configured) |
periods | Period[] | List of statistics per period (only available if configured) |
total | Period | Statistics performed over the complete period (only available if configured) |
lastThreeMonths | Period | Statistics performed over the last three months (only available if configured) |
Field | Type | Description |
id | Integer | Identifier matching the accountId in interactions |
accountNumber | String | IBAN / bank account number |
Field | Type | Description |
id | Integer | Identifier matching the beneficiaryId in interactions |
beneficiary | Beneficiary | Information about the beneficiary (see Beneficiary as Convert output) |
Field | Type | Description |
id | Integer | Identifier of this interaction |
accountId | Integer | Bankaccount for this interaction |
beneficiaryId | Integer | Beneficiary for this interaction |
credit | InteractionStatistics | Statistics for positive (income) transactions |
debit | InteractionStatistics | Statistics for negative (expenses) transactions |
Field | Type | Description |
transactionAmount | Statistics | Statistics of the amount paid in individual transactions |
transactionInterval | Statistics | Statistics of the interval between consecutive transactions |
transactionIntervalUnitMonth | Boolean | True, if transactionInterval has a unit of months. False, if transactionInterval has a unit of days. |
periodAmount | Statistics | Statistics of the amount paid per period (default per month) |
firstTransactionRecordDate | Date | Date of the first transaction of this interaction |
isFirstTransaction | Boolean | True if there is enough data available to determine that this transaction is the start of this interaction |
lastTransactionRecordDate | Date | Date of the last transaction of this interaction |
isLastTransaction | Boolean | True if there is enough data available to determine that this transaction is the last of this interaction |
transactions | Transaction[] | List of transactions between the bank account and beneficiary (see Convert for output model; only available if configured) |
paymentTypes | PaymentType[] | List of payment types used in the transactions |
Field | Type | Description |
exp | Float | Expected value (average) |
min | Float | Minimum value |
max | Float | Maximum value |
var | Float | Variance |
std | Float | Standard deviation |
Field | Type | Description |
Type | String | Code of a payment type |
Count | Integer | Number of transactions with this payment type |
Field | Type | Description |
dateFrom | Date | Start of the analysed period |
dateTo | Date | End of the analysed period |
weight | Float | Ratio of the length of this period relative to a complete period (default month) |
credit | PeriodStatistics | Statistics about the credit interactions relevant in this period |
debit | PeriodStatistics | Statistics about the debit interactions relevant in this period |
total | PeriodStatistics | Statistics about all interactions relevant in this period |
Field | Type | Description |
expectedTotalAmount | Statistics | Statistics about the active interactions in this period |
realisedTotalAmount | Float | Total amount of the transactions found in this period |
expectedAmountPerPeriod | Statistics | expectedTotalAmount scaled to the length of one period (default month; only available as part of total or lastThreeMonths) |
numOfAccounts | Integer | Number of accounts active in this period |
numOfBeneficiaries | Integer | Number of beneficiaries active in this period |
numberOfTransactions | Integer | Number of transactions in this period |
indicatorInteractionWeights | InteractionWeight[] | List of weights used to calculate the expectedTotalAmount from the InteractionStatistics (optional) |
paymentTypes | PaymentType[] | List of payment types used in the transactions |
Field | Type | Description |
id | Integer | Identifier of the interaction |
weight | Float | Weight used in the calculation |