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Version: v2

Calling LinX with PSD2

Aside from sending regular files to LinX, it is also possible to use PSD2 to directly the data from banks directly.

Difference in calls

This functionality is automatically used when a ConsentCollectionId header has been set.

To use the ConsentCollectionId, the collection must contain one or more valid consents. For this, see Consents.

Available transactions

LinX can download two years of transaction history (maximum) at all supported banks, with an exception of ABN-AMRO. This bank only allows 18 months. The downloaded history consists of all transactions until the most recent.

During the download of the transaction, the last download date is recorded in LinX as LastDownload.

When download and no DateFrom is provided for an IBAN, the date preceding LastDownload is automatically used. If no LastDownload is recorded, then the entire available transaction history will be used (24 or 18 months).

Accounts header

The Accounts header contains the specification of IBAN accounts that shall be downloaded as well as their history.

This header consists of a JSON array containing account objects. An account object consists of an IBAN and DateFrom. The IBAN property specifies which bank account will be downloaded. The DateFrom specifies the start date for the transaction history.

If the DateFrom property is empty the LastDownload property shall be used instead. If the Accounts header is empty, all available accounts in the ConsentCollection shall be downloaded using the LastDownload properties.


Data buffering

Downloaded transaction data is temporarily cached by LinX, to ensure its availablity for consecutive requests. This date shall be cached per consent depending on IBANs and DateFrom properties in the Accounts header.

Requests that require fetching historical data (surpassing 90 days) are limited in their execution and cached for twelve hours only. Requests that fetch recent data (90 days maximumum) are unlimited in their execution and cached for just 15 minutes.