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Version: v3

Calling LinX with PSD2

In addition to sending regular files to LinX, you can also use PSD2 to retrieve data directly from banks.

Difference in calls

The PSD2 functionality is triggered automatically when the ConsentCollectionId header is set.
The collection must contain one or more valid consents. For details, see Consents.

Available transactions

LinX can download up to two years of transaction history from all supported banks, except ABN-AMRO, which provides only 18 months. The downloaded history includes all transactions up to the most recent one.

If no DateFrom is provided for an IBAN during the download, the date preceding the LastDownload is used. If no LastDownload is recorded, the full available history (24 or 18 months) is retrieved.


The download history availability is up to 2 years for all banks, except ABN-AMRO, which provides only 18 months.

Accounts header

The Accounts header specifies the IBAN accounts and their history to be downloaded. It is a JSON array of account objects, each with an IBAN and optional DateFrom.

  • IBAN: Specifies the bank account to be downloaded.
  • DateFrom: Specifies the start date for the transaction history.

If DateFrom is omitted, the LastDownload date is used. If the Accounts header is empty, all accounts in the ConsentCollection are downloaded using the LastDownload date.

Accounts: [
{ "IBan": "NL69INGB0123456789", "DateFrom": "2024-05-05T00:00:00+02:00" },
{ "IBan": "NL00RABO0123456789" }

Data caching

Downloaded transaction data is temporarily cached by LinX for efficient handling of consecutive requests.

  • Historical Data (over 90 days): Requests for historical data exceeding 90 days are limited in execution and cached for 24 hours only.
  • Recent Data (up to 90 days): Requests for recent data (up to 90 days) are unlimited in execution and cached for 15 minutes.

These restrictions are imposed by the banks, not by us.