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Version: v3

Consumer Indicator service (V3)

A call to the Consumer Indicator service results in an analysis divided in multiple indicators.
The result can be used by our clients to evaluate the income and burdens of a data set.
Each indicator contains a statistical analysis performed on a specific subset of transactions.
The output and calculation of an individual indicator is discussed on the page about the indicator output V3.
Here, the transaction subsets for these different analyses are discussed.

For more information about the DateRange and ReportingPeriod header see Headers for calling the Consumer and Business Indicator services.

Consumer Indicator Service Output Formats

The Consumer Indicator service supports multiple output formats. By setting the Accept header, you can specify the format of the response:

  • JSON (default): Standard format for API responses.
  • PDF: A formatted, print-friendly version of the data.

Setting the Accept Header

To receive a specific format, include the Accept header in your request with one of the following values:

  • For JSON: application/json
  • For PDF: application/pdf

For more information, refer to the MDN documentation on the Accept header.

Calling the Consumer Indicator service

Please refer to the API reference for the Consumer Indicator service for all technical details on how to call this service.

Available Consumer indicators

Indicator nameAnalysis based on transactions
alimony-paidPaid partner- and child alimony.
alimony-receivedReceived partner- and child alimony.
car-insuranceCar insurance costs
car-leasePrivate lease
child-day-careDay care costs
household-costs-energyEnergy costs.
household-costs-insuranceCosts for the house and contents insurance policies.
household-costs-waterWater costs.
income-otherIncome transactions not processed in other indicators.
loan-debt-receivedIncurred debt.
loan-mortgagePayoff a mortgage loan, used to finance a house.
loan-payoffDebt paid off
loan-student-debt-receivedDebts incurred by a loan, provided by DUO (Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs) used to finance education.
loan-student-payoffDebts paid off for a loan, provided by DUO (Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs) used to finance education.
local-taxesMunicipality and water authority taxes.
participation-law-welfareParticipation law welfare (bijstand).
pensionRetirement income received from a pension fund.
rentPaid rent for an apartment / house.
salaryIncome received from a salary paid by an employer.
tax-benefit-child-budgetReceived child budget tax benefit (kindgebonden budget), paid by the Dutch tax authority.
tax-benefit-child-day-careReceived day-care tax benefit (kinderopvangtoeslag), paid by the Dutch tax authority.
tax-benefit-health-insuranceReceived health insurance tax benefit (zorgtoeslag), paid by the Dutch tax authority.
tax-benefit-rentReceived rent tax benefit (huurtoeslag), paid by the Dutch tax authority.
tax-carPayed tax for owning a car (motorrijtuigenbelasting), paid to the Dutch tax authority
tax-return-preliminaryAdvance payment of the personal tax returns.
welfare-svb-child-benefitReceived welfare alimony for child benefit (kinderbijslag), paid by the Social verzekeringsbank (SVB).
welfare-svb-pension-aowReceived welfare alimony as an AOW pension (AOW), paid by the Social verzekeringsbank (SVB).
welfare-uwv-affectionReceived welfare alimony for short-term illness or incapacitated (less than 2 years; ZW- and WAZO-uitkering), paid by Uitvoeringsinstituut Werknemersverzekeringen (UWV).
welfare-uwv-incapacitatedReceived welfare alimony when incapacitated (over 2 years; WGA-, IVA-, WAZ-, WAO-, WIA- and WAJONG-uitkering), paid by Uitvoeringsinstituut Werknemersverzekeringen (UWV).
welfare-uwv-unemployedReceived welfare alimony when unemployed (short-term; WW- and IOW-uitkering), paid by Uitvoeringsinstituut Werknemersverzekeringen (UWV).