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Version: v3

Aggregate service

The Aggregate Service aggregates bank transaction data for a household or client, combining it with the household's profile. Unlike the Pivot service, this service organizes transactions into a personalized scheme that includes system-defined categories.


The Aggregate Service requires a minimum of twelve months of data as input; otherwise, it will generate an error.

Calling the Aggregate service

Please refer to the API reference for the Aggregate service for all technical details on how to call this service.

For more information on the contents of the profile output, see Profiling Service.

Key Features:

  • Aggregated Data: Includes transaction summaries categorized by the predefined scheme, including total amounts, averages, and transaction counts.
  • Averages per Category: Provides monthly averages of spending and income across various predefined categories.
  • Household Profile: Generates a household profile based on detectable data, such as income, vehicles, and housing details.