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Version: v3

Pivot service

The Pivot Service aggregates and analyzes a household's (or client's) bank transactions across multiple accounts, potentially from different banks. It consolidates all transactions into totals and averages, categorized over specific time periods, and provides financial insights based on these groupings.

Calling the Pivot service

Please refer to the API reference for the Pivot service for all technical details on how to call this service.

Key Features:

  • Aggregated Totals: Total transaction amounts per category for a specified period, with options to group transactions by day, week, month, quarter, semester, or year.
  • Averages Per Category: Calculates averages for each category over continuous periods of complete months. Incomplete months are excluded to ensure accurate averaging.
  • Standardized Categories: Categories used in the Pivot service follow a standard scheme, such as the Nibud scheme, ensuring consistency in categorization.


The service returns:

  • Date Range: The range of transactions processed, specified by the from and to dates.
  • Time Unit: The unit of time for aggregation (day, week, month, etc.).
  • Category Groups: The output includes groups of transactions, with detailed breakdowns:
  • Categories: Each category contains the following:
  • ID and Name: Identifiers and names of the categories.
  • Type: A category type, where 0 = Invalid.
  • Amount: Total transaction amount in that category.
  • Average: The calculated average per category for the specified period.
  • Count: The number of transactions in the category.
  • Values: Contains specific data about the transactions within the date range.
  • Amount and Count: The total amount and number of transactions for the period.

The categories that are used in the Pivot service can be found in the standard scheme (See Nibud scheme).