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Version: v3

Balance indicator output

The balance indicator is part of the output of the Business Indicator service. It performs an analysis of the average-, minimum- and maximum balance, and the amount of days that the balance exceeds zero and the average balance. The result is reported per bank account and aggregated over all accounts.

Statistics in a rolling period

The BalanceAccount and BalanceTotal include statistics of properties in a rolling period. As input for the statistic calculation the properties (minimum-, maximum-, average- balance, days positive-, days above average ratio) are collected in a moving time frame of the period (default one month). This means that each possibility to select a period from the data is considered. This results in a list of properties, which is used to calculate the statistics.

Example output

A part from the response of the balance indicator is given below. From this output you may draw the following conclusions about the balance:

  • for June 2017:
    • minmimum balance is -€2356.01 and occured on June 7th;
    • maximum balance is €1516.09 and occured on June 15th;
    • the average balance is -€801.78;
    • 4 days (=13%) the balance is positive;
    • 15 days (=50%) the balance is larger than -€801.78;
  • for the complete period (01/06/2017 - 01/01/2018);
    • the maximum balance in a month is on average €1499.95;
    • the maximum balance in a month never drops below €906.31;
    • the minimum balance in a month is on average -€1121.09;
    • the minimum balance in a month never exceeds -€541.09;
    • the average balance in a month is €289.63 and varies between -€801.78 and €865.14;
    • the balance is 60% of the time positive;
    • the balance is 53% of the time larger than the averaged value of that month.
"name": "balance",
"balanceTotal": {
"dateFrom": "2017-06-01T00:00:00",
"dateTo": "2018-01-01T00:00:00",
"periods": [
"dateFrom": "2017-06-01T00:00:00",
"dateTo": "2017-07-01T00:00:00",
"minBalance": -2356.01,
"minBalanceDate": "2017-06-07T00:00:00",
"maxBalance": 1516.09,
"maxBalanceDate": "2017-06-15T00:00:00",
"averageBalance": -801.78,
"daysPositive": 0.13,
"daysAboveAverage": 0.5
"maxBalance": {
"exp": 1499.95,
"min": 906.31,
"minBalance": {
"exp": -1121.09,
"max": -541.09,
"averageBalance": {
"exp": 289.63,
"min": -801.78,
"max": 865.14,
"daysPositive": {
"exp": 0.6,
"daysAboveAverage": {
"exp": 0.53,


nameStringName of this indicator
balanceAccountsBalanceAccount[]List of balance analysis per bank account (only available if configured)
balanceTotalBalanceTotalAggregated balance analysis (only available if configured)


accountHolderNameStringName of the bank account holder (only available if configured)
accountNumberStringIBAN / bank account number (only available if configured)
accountTypeIdIntegerId of the bank account type
accountTypeNameStringDescription of the bank account type
dateFromDateStart of the analysed period
dateToDateEnd of the analysed period
balanceRecordsBalanceRecord[]List of balance per day
periodsBalancePeriod[]Balance analysis per period
maxBalanceStatisticsStatistics of the maximum balance in a rolling period (see Statistics for output model)
minBalanceStatisticsStatistics of the minimum balance in a rolling period (see Statistics for output model)
averageBalanceStatisticsStatistics of the average balance in a rolling period (see Statistics for output model)
daysPositiveStatisticsStatistics of the days with a positive balance ratio in a rolling period (see Statistics for output model)
daysAboveAverageStatisticsStatistics of the days with a balance larger than the average ratio in a rolling period (see Statistics for output model)


dateFromDateStart of the analysed period
dateToDateEnd of the analysed period
balanceRecordsBalanceRecord[]List of balance per day
periodsBalancePeriod[]Balance analysis per period
maxBalanceStatisticsStatistics of the maximum balance in a rolling period (see Statistics for output model)
minBalanceStatisticsStatistics of the minimum balance in a rolling period (see Statistics for output model)
averageBalanceStatisticsStatistics of the average balance in a rolling period (see Statistics for output model)
daysPositiveStatisticsStatistics of the days with a positive balance ratio in a rolling period (see Statistics for output model)
daysAboveAverageStatisticsStatistics of the days with a balance larger than the average ratio in a rolling period (see Statistics for output model)




dateFromDateStart of the analysed period
dateToDateEnd of the analysed period
minBalanceFloatMinimum balance in period
minBalanceDateDateMinimum balance occurred on date
maxBalanceFloatMaximum balance in period
maxBalanceDateDateMaximum balance occurred on date
averageBalanceFloatAverage balance in period
daysPositiveFloatRatio of days with a positive balance to the days in the period
daysAboveAverageFloatRatio of days with a balance larger than the average to the days in the period