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Version: v3

LinX error codes

IntegerLinX Error CodeDescriptionSourceSolution
1NoApiKeyNo API key in the header of the callCustomer does not send an API key headerAdd API key to request headers
2InvalidApiKeyInvalid API key sent in header of callCustomer sends incorrect API keyUse correct header in request header
3NotAvailableService temporarily not available, because of restartLinX services are restartingExecute call again
4NoQuotaQuota has been reachedCustomer has made too many callsContact helpdesk
5NotAllowedApplied when customers have been blockedCustomer does not have access to the serviceContact helpdesk
6InvalidFormatValid file format, but contains one or more errors or a file format that is not supported.
For example: file has been edited. It cannot be processed.
Customer has sent invalid or errounous fileUse other file (format)
7OutOfRangeInvalid date rangeTransaction file does not contain enough information or invalid/old informationUse another file
8NoDataSent file has correct format, but contains no data. No processing is possibleCustomer has sent an empty transaction fileUse different file
9NotSupportedFile format is not supported.Customer has sent an unsupported fileUse another file
11GenericErrorGeneric errorLinX internal errorContact helpdesk
12CategorizationErrorCategorization errorLinX internal errorContact helpdesk
13NoSubscriptionNo subscription for the service.Customer does not have access to the serviceContact helpdesk
14SubscriptionExpiredSubsription has expiredCustomer does not have access to the called serviceContact helpdesk
15EndpointNotFoundEndpoint does not existCustomer has called incorrect endpointCheck used URL
16KvKMissingChamber of Commerce (KvK) is missing in the headerCustomer does not send KvK data when nescesaryAdd KvK data to request header
17SBIMissingSBI is missing in the headerCustomer does not include SBI data in the header when mandatoryAdd SBI data to the request header
18BenchmarkNotAvailableBenchmark module has not been enabledCustomer does not have access to the serviceContact helpdesk
19BusinessNotFoundGiven KvK number unknownCustomer has given an unknown or incorrect KvK numberUse correct KvK number
20PSD2ErrorGeneric PSD2 errorLinX internal errorContact helpdesk
21ConsentErrorConsentCollectionId has nog been set or is unavailableCustomer has not sent a ConsentCollectionId header or it is unavailableUse another ConsentCollectionId
23SecurtiyErrorInvalid HTTP signatureCustomer sends invalid SignatureCheck code that generates Signature
24InvalidIbanInvalid Ibans in headerCustomer sends invalid IBAN in headerUse valid IBAN
27PivotMeasurementErrorProvided transaction data has no periods available for the specified unit of measurement-Provide more transaction data or decrease value of Unit parameter
28ProfileTooFewTransactionsErrorThere are too few transactions present to build a profileNot enough transaction data is available to build a profileProvide more (relevant) transaction data
29CacheErrorCaching ErrorAn unexpected error occurred while loading or accessing the cacheContact support
30ConsentRequestExceededErrorMaximum number of requests for this consent has been exceeded for the dayBanks only allow a certain amount of call per consent, this amount was reachedWait until the next day and send a new request
31MissingDataOrCCCIdRequest is either missing a ConsentCollectionId header or data in the request bodyData services need either a ConsentCollectionId in the header or transaction data in the body to serve as source for the analysisProvide either a ConsentCollectionId or data
32Psd2CurrencyCheckErrorPSD2 account information from the external bank API returned different currenciesAll data must use the same currencyOnly use consentcollections that contain consents for accounts with the same currency
101Psd2HistoryOutOfRangeErrorOpgevraagde historie is ouder dan beschikbare historieHistorische data is niet langer beschikbaar voor afgegeven consentConsents moeten opnieuw afgegeven worden
102Psd2ConsentExpiredErrorConsent moet vernieuwd worden omdat deze is verlopen of ingetrokkenUser heeft consent ingetrokken of consent is meer dan 90 dagen oudConsents moeten opnieuw afgegeven worden
103Psd2ConsentCreationErrorEr was een fout bij het verkrijgen van het consent bij de bankLinX kon geen consent verkrijgen bij de bankConsents moeten opnieuw afgegeven worden
110UnhandledBankApiForbiddenCommunication with the external bank API has been rejectedCommunication with external bank api has failed due to a forbidden error. This is usually a temporary error with the external bank api which the bank will fixRetry request after a time, keep an eye out for possible priority 1 email updates on status
111UnhandledBankApiUnauthorizedCommunication with the external bank API was unauthorizedCommunication with external bank api has failed due to an unauthorized error. This is usually a temporary error with the external bank api which the bank will fixRetry request after a time, keep an eye out for possible priority 1 email updates on status
112UnhandledBankApiBadRequestRequest has been rejected by external bank APICommunication with external bank api has failed due to an bad request error. This is usually a temporary error with the external bank api which the bank will fixRetry request after a time, keep an eye out for possible priority 1 email updates on status
113UnhandledBankApiInternalServerErrorExternal bank API was unable to successfully execute requestCommunication with external bank api has failed due to an internal error. This is usually a temporary error with the external bank api which the bank will fixRetry request after a time, keep an eye out for possible priority 1 email updates on status
114UnhandledBankApiServiceUnavailableExternal bank API was unavailable to handle requestCommunication with external bank api has failed due to a service unavailable error. This is usually a temporary error with the external bank api which the bank will fixRetry request after a time, keep an eye out for possible priority 1 email updates on status
115UnhandledBankApiBadGatewayExternal bank API was unable to successfully execute requestCommunication with external bank api has failed due to a bad gateway error. This is usually a temporary error with the external bank api which the bank will fixRetry request after a time, keep an eye out for possible priority 1 email updates on status
116UnhandledBankApiNotFoundExternal bank API was unable to find requested resourceCommunication with external bank api has failed due to an endpoint not found error. This is usually a temporary error with the external bank api which the bank will fixRetry request after a time, keep an eye out for possible priority 1 email updates on status
117Psd2ConsentRequestExceededErrorMaximum number of requests for this consent has been exceeded for the dayBanks only allow a certain amount of call per consent, this amount was reachedWait until the next day and send a new request
118Psd2InvalidIbanArrayErrorInvalid format for IBAN's.The parameter could not be decoded as a JSON encoded string arrayProvide the parameter as a JSON encoded string array
119Psd2NoConsentForIbanErrorExternal bank API found no consents for IBAN 0External bank api reports the consent is no longer usableHave your customer give a new consent for the account or remove the account from the consentcollection
120Psd2NoConsentsInCollectionErrorExternal bank API found no consents for this consent collectionThe consentcollection contains no valid consentsHave your customer give a new consents
121Psd2ServiceUnavailableErrorBank 0 is temporary unavailable for use.Communication with external bank api has failed due to an service unavailable error. This is usually a temporary error with the external bank api which the bank will fixRetry request after a time, keep an eye out for possible priority 1 email updates on status
122Psd2UnknownBankApiErrorExternal bank API reported a unknown error for 0Communication with external bank api has failed due to an unknow error. This is usually a temporary error with the external bank api which the bank will fixRetry request after a time, keep an eye out for possible priority 1 email updates on status
1101InvalidCollectionIdConsentCollectionId is missing or is invalid for this requestConsentCollectionId header is missing, empty, not a valid guid or "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"Send a guid in the correct format
1102InvalidRequestIdX-Request-ID header is missing or is invalid.X-Request-ID header is missing, empty, not a valid guid or "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"Send a guid in the correct format
1103InvalidRedirectUrlRedirectUrl is missing or is invalidReturnUrl parameter is missing, empty or not well formedProvide a well formed url
1104InvalidIbanArrayThe IBAN array has an invalid formatThe parameter could not be decoded as a JSON encoded string arrayProvide the parameter as a JSON encoded string array
1105InvalidBankIdBankId is missing or is invalid.BankId is missing, empty, not a valid guid or "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"Send a guid in the correct format
1107NoOpenBankingForUOpenbanking function is unavailable for this ApiKey.You are not allowed to use the Openbanking functionality of this platformContact our sales department
1109InvalidDefaultAccountTypeDefaultAccountType has an unknown or invalid valueThe parameter defaultAccountType contains an unknown valueProvide a valid value for the optional parameter defaultAccountType, check documentation for valid values
10000GenericConvertErrorGeneric Error during converting. File is of invalid format.File not recognized for convertCheck to make sure you are sending a file in a supported format, if so, contact support