LinX error codes
Integer | LinX Error Code | Description | Source | Solution |
1 | NoApiKey | No API key in the header of the call | Customer does not send an API key header | Add API key to request headers |
2 | InvalidApiKey | Invalid API key sent in header of call | Customer sends incorrect API key | Use correct header in request header |
3 | NotAvailable | Service temporarily not available, because of restart | LinX services are restarting | Execute call again |
4 | NoQuota | Quota has been reached | Customer has made too many calls | Contact helpdesk |
5 | NotAllowed | Applied when customers have been blocked | Customer does not have access to the service | Contact helpdesk |
6 | InvalidFormat | Valid file format, but contains one or more errors or a file format that is not supported. For example: file has been edited. It cannot be processed. | Customer has sent invalid or errounous file | Use other file (format) |
7 | OutOfRange | Invalid date range | Transaction file does not contain enough information or invalid/old information | Use another file |
8 | NoData | Sent file has correct format, but contains no data. No processing is possible | Customer has sent an empty transaction file | Use different file |
9 | NotSupported | File format is not supported. | Customer has sent an unsupported file | Use another file |
11 | GenericError | Generic error | LinX internal error | Contact helpdesk |
12 | CategorizationError | Categorization error | LinX internal error | Contact helpdesk |
13 | NoSubscription | No subscription for the service. | Customer does not have access to the service | Contact helpdesk |
14 | SubscriptionExpired | Subsription has expired | Customer does not have access to the called service | Contact helpdesk |
15 | EndpointNotFound | Endpoint does not exist | Customer has called incorrect endpoint | Check used URL |
16 | KvKMissing | Chamber of Commerce (KvK) is missing in the header | Customer does not send KvK data when nescesary | Add KvK data to request header |
17 | SBIMissing | SBI is missing in the header | Customer does not include SBI data in the header when mandatory | Add SBI data to the request header |
18 | BenchmarkNotAvailable | Benchmark module has not been enabled | Customer does not have access to the service | Contact helpdesk |
19 | BusinessNotFound | Given KvK number unknown | Customer has given an unknown or incorrect KvK number | Use correct KvK number |
20 | PSD2Error | Generic PSD2 error | LinX internal error | Contact helpdesk |
21 | ConsentError | ConsentCollectionId has nog been set or is unavailable | Customer has not sent a ConsentCollectionId header or it is unavailable | Use another ConsentCollectionId |
23 | SecurtiyError | Invalid HTTP signature | Customer sends invalid Signature | Check code that generates Signature |
24 | InvalidIban | Invalid Ibans in header | Customer sends invalid IBAN in header | Use valid IBAN |
25 | InvalidCache | Unused | - | - |
26 | DateRangeTooShortError | Unused | - | - |
27 | PivotMeasurementError | Provided transaction data has no periods available for the specified unit of measurement | - | Provide more transaction data or decrease value of Unit parameter |
28 | ProfileTooFewTransactionsError | There are too few transactions present to build a profile | Not enough transaction data is available to build a profile | Provide more (relevant) transaction data |
29 | CacheError | Caching Error | An unexpected error occurred while loading or accessing the cache | Contact support |
30 | ConsentRequestExceededError | Maximum number of requests for this consent has been exceeded for the day | Banks only allow a certain amount of call per consent, this amount was reached | Wait until the next day and send a new request |
31 | MissingDataOrCCCId | Request is either missing a ConsentCollectionId header or data in the request body | Data services need either a ConsentCollectionId in the header or transaction data in the body to serve as source for the analysis | Provide either a ConsentCollectionId or data |
32 | Psd2CurrencyCheckError | PSD2 account information from the external bank API returned different currencies | All data must use the same currency | Only use consentcollections that contain consents for accounts with the same currency |
50 | ModuleSubscriptionExpired | Unused | - | - |
101 | Psd2HistoryOutOfRangeError | Opgevraagde historie is ouder dan beschikbare historie | Historische data is niet langer beschikbaar voor afgegeven consent | Consents moeten opnieuw afgegeven worden |
102 | Psd2ConsentExpiredError | Consent moet vernieuwd worden omdat deze is verlopen of ingetrokken | User heeft consent ingetrokken of consent is meer dan 90 dagen oud | Consents moeten opnieuw afgegeven worden |
103 | Psd2ConsentCreationError | Er was een fout bij het verkrijgen van het consent bij de bank | LinX kon geen consent verkrijgen bij de bank | Consents moeten opnieuw afgegeven worden |
110 | UnhandledBankApiForbidden | Communication with the external bank API has been rejected | Communication with external bank api has failed due to a forbidden error. This is usually a temporary error with the external bank api which the bank will fix | Retry request after a time, keep an eye out for possible priority 1 email updates on status |
111 | UnhandledBankApiUnauthorized | Communication with the external bank API was unauthorized | Communication with external bank api has failed due to an unauthorized error. This is usually a temporary error with the external bank api which the bank will fix | Retry request after a time, keep an eye out for possible priority 1 email updates on status |
112 | UnhandledBankApiBadRequest | Request has been rejected by external bank API | Communication with external bank api has failed due to an bad request error. This is usually a temporary error with the external bank api which the bank will fix | Retry request after a time, keep an eye out for possible priority 1 email updates on status |
113 | UnhandledBankApiInternalServerError | External bank API was unable to successfully execute request | Communication with external bank api has failed due to an internal error. This is usually a temporary error with the external bank api which the bank will fix | Retry request after a time, keep an eye out for possible priority 1 email updates on status |
114 | UnhandledBankApiServiceUnavailable | External bank API was unavailable to handle request | Communication with external bank api has failed due to a service unavailable error. This is usually a temporary error with the external bank api which the bank will fix | Retry request after a time, keep an eye out for possible priority 1 email updates on status |
115 | UnhandledBankApiBadGateway | External bank API was unable to successfully execute request | Communication with external bank api has failed due to a bad gateway error. This is usually a temporary error with the external bank api which the bank will fix | Retry request after a time, keep an eye out for possible priority 1 email updates on status |
116 | UnhandledBankApiNotFound | External bank API was unable to find requested resource | Communication with external bank api has failed due to an endpoint not found error. This is usually a temporary error with the external bank api which the bank will fix | Retry request after a time, keep an eye out for possible priority 1 email updates on status |
117 | Psd2ConsentRequestExceededError | Maximum number of requests for this consent has been exceeded for the day | Banks only allow a certain amount of call per consent, this amount was reached | Wait until the next day and send a new request |
118 | Psd2InvalidIbanArrayError | Invalid format for IBAN's. | The parameter could not be decoded as a JSON encoded string array | Provide the parameter as a JSON encoded string array |
119 | Psd2NoConsentForIbanError | External bank API found no consents for IBAN 0 | External bank api reports the consent is no longer usable | Have your customer give a new consent for the account or remove the account from the consentcollection |
120 | Psd2NoConsentsInCollectionError | External bank API found no consents for this consent collection | The consentcollection contains no valid consents | Have your customer give a new consents |
121 | Psd2ServiceUnavailableError | Bank 0 is temporary unavailable for use. | Communication with external bank api has failed due to an service unavailable error. This is usually a temporary error with the external bank api which the bank will fix | Retry request after a time, keep an eye out for possible priority 1 email updates on status |
122 | Psd2UnknownBankApiError | External bank API reported a unknown error for 0 | Communication with external bank api has failed due to an unknow error. This is usually a temporary error with the external bank api which the bank will fix | Retry request after a time, keep an eye out for possible priority 1 email updates on status |
1101 | InvalidCollectionId | ConsentCollectionId is missing or is invalid for this request | ConsentCollectionId header is missing, empty, not a valid guid or "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" | Send a guid in the correct format |
1102 | InvalidRequestId | X-Request-ID header is missing or is invalid. | X-Request-ID header is missing, empty, not a valid guid or "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" | Send a guid in the correct format |
1103 | InvalidRedirectUrl | RedirectUrl is missing or is invalid | ReturnUrl parameter is missing, empty or not well formed | Provide a well formed url |
1104 | InvalidIbanArray | The IBAN array has an invalid format | The parameter could not be decoded as a JSON encoded string array | Provide the parameter as a JSON encoded string array |
1105 | InvalidBankId | BankId is missing or is invalid. | BankId is missing, empty, not a valid guid or "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" | Send a guid in the correct format |
1107 | NoOpenBankingForU | Openbanking function is unavailable for this ApiKey. | You are not allowed to use the Openbanking functionality of this platform | Contact our sales department |
1108 | ServiceUnavailableTemp | Unused | - | - |
1109 | InvalidDefaultAccountType | DefaultAccountType has an unknown or invalid value | The parameter defaultAccountType contains an unknown value | Provide a valid value for the optional parameter defaultAccountType, check documentation for valid values |
10000 | GenericConvertError | Generic Error during converting. File is of invalid format. | File not recognized for convert | Check to make sure you are sending a file in a supported format, if so, contact support |
10001 | GenericConvertLineError | Unused | - | - |
10002 | GenericDescriptionError | Unused | - | - |
10100 | InvalidDateString | Unused | - | - |
10101 | InvalidBankAccountNumberString | Unused | - | - |
10102 | InvalidTransactionCode | Unused | - | - |
10200 | BenificiaryUndetectable | Unused | - | - |
10201 | PaymentTerminalUndetectable | Unused | - | - |
10202 | DateStringUndetectable | Unused | - | - |