Categorization Scheme
This categorization scheme is default for all customers. In this overview the private and business categories are listed.
Id | Category | Group | Description |
1 | Hobbies | RECREATIE/VRIJE TIJD | Exercise of hobbies |
2 | Declaraties | INKOMSTEN | Claims at employers and volunteer allowance |
3 | Dividendbelasting | BELASTING | Dividend tax payed to the Dutch Tax Authority (Belastingdienst) |
4 | Contributie (sport) verenigingen | CONTRIBUTIES EN ABONNEMENTEN | (Recurring) contribution for the membership of an association |
5 | Inventaris/inboedel | INVENTARIS EN ONDERHOUD | Furniture |
6 | Brandstof | VERVOER | Gasoline |
7 | Internet | TELEFOON, TELEVISIE EN INTERNET | Internet subscription |
8 | Aansprakelijkheidsverzekering | VERZEKERINGEN | Liability insurance |
9 | Verzekeringen overig | VERZEKERINGEN | Insurances not covered by another category |
10 | Inboedelverzekering (brand, inbraak) | VERZEKERINGEN | Contents insurance |
11 | Loterijen | HUISHOUDELIJKE UITGAVEN | Lottery tickets |
12 | Inkomsten overig | INKOMSTEN | Incomes not covered by another category |
13 | Huur | WONEN | Payed rent |
14 | Van eigen rekening | INTERNE BOEKINGEN | Received from another account with the same account holder |
15 | Diverse huishoudelijke uitgaven | HUISHOUDELIJKE UITGAVEN | Household expenses not covered by another category |
16 | AOW | INKOMSTEN | Received AOW pension from the SVB |
17 | Auto-/motorverzekering | VERZEKERINGEN | Insurance for auto or motorcycles |
18 | Was- en schoonmaakartikelen | HUISHOUDELIJKE UITGAVEN | Cleaning supplies |
19 | Alles-in-een/combinatiepakket | TELEFOON, TELEVISIE EN INTERNET | Internet/TV/landline phone subscription |
20 | Mobiele telefoon | TELEFOON, TELEVISIE EN INTERNET | Mobile phone subscription |
21 | Naar eigen rekening | INTERNE BOEKINGEN | Redemption to another account with the same account holder |
22 | Zorgverzekering | VERZEKERINGEN | Health insurance |
23 | Alimentatie betaald | OVERIGE VASTE LASTEN PARTICULIER | Payed alimoney |
24 | Inkomstenbelasting | BELASTING | Income tax payed to / received from the Dutch Tax Authority |
25 | Zakgeld, betaald | HUISHOUDELIJKE UITGAVEN | Pocket money payed (to children) |
26 | Uitgaven overig | HUISHOUDELIJKE UITGAVEN | Expenses not covered by another category |
27 | Servicekosten, erfpacht, etc. | WONEN | Service charge and ground lease |
28 | Huurtoeslag | INKOMSTEN | Rent tax benefit - Dutch Tax Authority |
29 | Uitvaartverzekering | VERZEKERINGEN | Funeral insurance |
30 | Sparen | OVERIGE VASTE LASTEN PARTICULIER | Transactions towards a savings account |
31 | Vakantiegeld | INKOMSTEN | Holiday pay (part of a salary or allowance) |
32 | Bank en creditcard kosten | OVERIGE VASTE LASTEN PARTICULIER | Expenses for having a bank account / credit card |
33 | Water | WONEN | Water costs |
34 | Kindgebonden budget | INKOMSTEN | Kindgebonden budget tax benefit - Dutch Tax Authority |
35 | Hypotheek Rente en Aflossing | WONEN | Mortgage loan |
36 | Sieraden en accessoires | KLEDING/SCHOENEN | Jewelry |
37 | Abonnementen kranten, tijdschriften | CONTRIBUTIES EN ABONNEMENTEN | Subscription for newspapers and magazines |
38 | Rente en aflossing - kredietinstellingen | LENINGEN EN KREDIETEN | Payments made towards a credit institution to repay a loan and the corresponding interest |
39 | Giften en cadeau`s | HUISHOUDELIJKE UITGAVEN | Gifts and presents |
40 | Naar betaalrekening | INTERNE BOEKINGEN | Redemption to another checking account with the same account holder |
41 | Huisdieren | HUISHOUDELIJKE UITGAVEN | Pets |
42 | Kinderopvang | SCHOOLKOSTEN | Child day care |
44 | Zorgtoeslag | INKOMSTEN | Health insurance tax benefit - Dutch Tax Authority |
45 | Levensverzekering, Pensioenverzekering | VERZEKERINGEN | Insurance premium for a pension- or life insurance |
46 | Geldopname | BETAALMETHODEN | Cash withdrawal |
47 | Van kasboek | INTERNE BOEKINGEN | |
48 | Vergoede zorgkosten | ZORGKOSTEN | Declaration of health costs at a health insurance company |
49 | Van betaalrekening | INTERNE BOEKINGEN | Received from another checking account with the same account holder |
50 | Rente betaald (lening en debet) | LENINGEN EN KREDIETEN | Interest payed for having a negative balance (bank account) |
51 | Van spaarrekening | INTERNE BOEKINGEN | Received from another savings account with the same account holder |
52 | Weekendje weg / dagje uit | RECREATIE/VRIJE TIJD | Costs of a day out or short holiday |
53 | Naar spaarrekening | INTERNE BOEKINGEN | Redemption to another savings account with the same account holder |
54 | Persoonlijke verzorging | HUISHOUDELIJKE UITGAVEN | Expenses for personal care: pedicures, hair dressers |
55 | Salaris | INKOMSTEN | Received salary |
56 | Openbaar vervoer | VERVOER | Public transportation |
57 | Auto/Motor aankoop, afbetaling | VERVOER | Purchase of a car or motorcycle and the corresponding partly-payments |
58 | Woonhuis / Opstalverzekering | VERZEKERINGEN | Home insurance |
59 | School- en studiekosten | SCHOOLKOSTEN | School and study costs for the children |
60 | Niet vergoede zorgkosten | ZORGKOSTEN | Payments to the health insurance company of health costs not covered by the insurance |
61 | Onderhoud huis en tuin | INVENTARIS EN ONDERHOUD | Expenses for maintenance of home and garden |
62 | Kleding en schoenen | KLEDING/SCHOENEN | Cloths and shoes |
63 | Auto/Motor onderhoud | VERVOER | Maintenance of cars and motor-cycles |
64 | Dividend ontvangen | INKOMSTEN | Dividend received as share-holder |
65 | Uitgaan | RECREATIE/VRIJE TIJD | Pubs and nightclubs |
66 | Naar kasboek | INTERNE BOEKINGEN | |
67 | Kinderopvangtoeslag | INKOMSTEN | Child day care tax benefit - Dutch Tax Authority |
68 | Rente ontvangen | INKOMSTEN | Interest received on a bank account |
69 | Gemeentelijke heffingen | WONEN | Municipal taxes |
70 | Energie | WONEN | Energy costs |
71 | Tegemoetkoming schoolkosten | INKOMSTEN | Received compensation for the school and study costs |
72 | Contributies abonnementen overig | CONTRIBUTIES EN ABONNEMENTEN | Subscription not part of another category |
73 | Motorrijtuigenbelasting | BELASTING | Motor vehicle tax - Dutch Tax Authority |
74 | Boeken, tijdschriften, muziek, games en films | RECREATIE/VRIJE TIJD | Books, magazines, music, gams and films |
75 | Vakanties | RECREATIE/VRIJE TIJD | Holidays |
76 | Van/Naar eigen rekeningen | INTERNE BOEKINGEN | Transactions with accounts having the same account holder |
77 | Voeding | HUISHOUDELIJKE UITGAVEN | Expenses for food, supermarket, bakery, etc. |
78 | Televisie | TELEFOON, TELEVISIE EN INTERNET | Subscription for tv |
79 | Kinderbijslag | INKOMSTEN | Child benefit received by the SVB (per quarter) |
80 | Zakgeld, ontvangen | INKOMSTEN | Pocket money received (as child) |
81 | Parkeren | VERVOER | Parking costs |
82 | Reisverzekering | VERZEKERINGEN | Travel insurance |
83 | Rechtsbijstandverzekering | VERZEKERINGEN | Legal insurance |
84 | Fietsverzekering | VERZEKERINGEN | Bike insurance |
85 | Huisdierenverzekering | VERZEKERINGEN | Pet insurance |
86 | Beleggingsverzekering | VERZEKERINGEN | Investment insurance, a kind of life insurance |
87 | Bromfietsverzekering | VERZEKERINGEN | Moped insurance |
88 | Overlijdensrisicoverzekering | VERZEKERINGEN | Death risk insurance |
89 | Annuleringsverzekering | VERZEKERINGEN | Travel cancellation insurance |
90 | Arbeidsongeschiktheidsverzekering | VERZEKERINGEN | Disability insurance |
91 | Verzekeringspakket | VERZEKERINGEN | Insurance package (premium of multiple insurances) |
92 | Spaarhypotheekverzekering | VERZEKERINGEN | Savings mortgage |
93 | Apparatuurverzekering | VERZEKERINGEN | Equipment insurance |
94 | Studieverzekering | VERZEKERINGEN | Study insurance (mostly used as savings account for study costs for children) |
95 | Vennootschapsbelasting | BELASTING | Corporation tax - Dutch Tax Authority |
96 | Zorgverzekeringswet | BELASTING | Healthcare law tax - Dutch Tax Authority |
97 | Bedrijvenverzekering | VERZEKERINGEN | Insurance for businesses |
98 | Camperverzekering | VERZEKERINGEN | Camper insurance |
99 | Bootverzekering | VERZEKERINGEN | Boat insurance |
100 | Caravanverzekering | VERZEKERINGEN | Caravan insurance |
101 | Ongevallenverzekering | VERZEKERINGEN | Accidents insurance |
102 | Huur of Lease | VERVOER | Car / motorcycle rent and lease |
103 | Beleggingen | OVERIGE VASTE LASTEN PARTICULIER | Investments and purchase of stocks |
104 | Beveiliging | WONEN | Costs for security installations and surveillance |
105 | Woonlastenverzekering | VERZEKERINGEN | Housing costs insurance in cases of loss of income |
106 | Kredietbeschermingsverzekering | VERZEKERINGEN | Loan insurance in cases of loss of income |
108 | Vaste telefoon | TELEFOON, TELEVISIE EN INTERNET | Land line phone subscription |
109 | Goede doelen | CONTRIBUTIES EN ABONNEMENTEN | Donations to charities |
110 | Fiets | VERVOER | Purchase and maintenance of a bike |
111 | Zelfzorgmedicijnen | ZORGKOSTEN | Over-the-counter medications |
112 | Zuiveringsheffing (waterschap) | WONEN | Tax for the treatment of wastewater - water authority |
113 | Erf- en schenkbelasting | BELASTING | Inherit and donation taxes - Dutch Tax Authority |
115 | Overdrachtsbelasting | BELASTING | Real estate handover tax - Dutch Tax Authority |
116 | Paardenverzekering | VERZEKERINGEN | Horse insurance |
117 | Overige vastelasten | OVERIGE VASTE LASTEN PARTICULIER | Constant expenses not covered in another category |
118 | Garantieverzekering | VERZEKERINGEN | Insurance for extended warranty |
119 | Kapitaalverzekering | VERZEKERINGEN | Cash insurance, kind of life insurance |
120 | Opslag | INVENTARIS EN ONDERHOUD | Costs for garage boxes and other storage facilities |
121 | Pechhulpverzekering | VERZEKERINGEN | Roadside assistance insurance |
122 | Oldtimerverzekering | VERZEKERINGEN | Car / motor-cycle insurance for an old-timer |
123 | Bekeuringen | VERVOER | Fines |
124 | Toelage, ontvangen | INKOMSTEN | Private allowance received |
125 | Onderhoudscontracten | INVENTARIS EN ONDERHOUD | Maintenance contracts |
126 | Huurcontracten | INVENTARIS EN ONDERHOUD | Rent contracts, not for a house / office / car / motorcycle |
127 | Toelage, betaald | OVERIGE VASTE LASTEN PARTICULIER | Private allowanced payed |
128 | Onroerendezaakbelasting | WONEN | Real estate tax - municipality |
129 | Ingezetenenheffing (waterschap) | WONEN | Water system tax - water authority |
130 | Rioolheffing (gemeente) | WONEN | Drain tax - municipality |
131 | Heffing gebouwd (waterschap) | WONEN | Water system tax - water authority |
132 | Opwaarderen betaalsystemen | BETAALMETHODEN | Money transfer to a payment system, like PayPal |
133 | Waterschapsbelasting | WONEN | Water authority taxes - combination of Zuiveringsheffing (112) and Ingezetenenheffing (129) |
135 | Tol | VERVOER | Toll |
136 | Ontspanning | RECREATIE/VRIJE TIJD | Recreation - cinema, theater, etc. |
9751 | Eigen risico | ZORGKOSTEN | Own risk of healthcare insurance |
9752 | Eigen bijdrage | ZORGKOSTEN | Own contribution in the health care costs (payed to the healthcare insurance company) |
9753 | Gas | WONEN | Gas |
9754 | Electriciteit | WONEN | Electricity |
9755 | Creditcard | BETAALMETHODEN | Costs for having a credit card and the monthly redemption |
13618 | Studiekosten volwassenen | SCHOOLKOSTEN | School and study costs adults |
13619 | Betaalverzoeken | BETAALMETHODEN | Payed and received payment requests (like Tikkie) |
13620 | Internet transacties | BETAALMETHODEN | Default for digital payments (iDeal / Paypal) |
13621 | Planten en bloemen | HUISHOUDELIJKE UITGAVEN | Flowers |
34584 | Schadeclaims | VERZEKERINGEN | Paid claims |
34849 | Algemene advieskosten | OVERIGE VASTE LASTEN PARTICULIER | General consultancy costs |
34850 | Omzet | INKOMSTEN | Revenue |
34851 | Omzetbelasting | BELASTING | Sales tax (BTW) - Dutch Tax Authority |
34859 | Loonbelasting | BELASTING | Payroll tax - Dutch Tax Authority |
34860 | Inkoop | KOSTEN ZAKELIJK | Purchases |
38204 | Storting eigen rekening | INKOMSTEN | Cash deposit |
38210 | Verzuimverzekering | VERZEKERINGEN | Absenteeism insurance |
38245 | Reclame en promotie | KOSTEN ZAKELIJK | Advertising and promotion |
38246 | Overheidsbijdragen, Subsidies | INKOMSTEN | Government subsidy |
38247 | Gokken | RECREATIE/VRIJE TIJD | Gambling, casino |
43152 | Accountantskosten | OVERIGE VASTE LASTEN PARTICULIER | Accountant fees |
43153 | Notariskosten | OVERIGE VASTE LASTEN PARTICULIER | Notary fees |
43154 | Juridisch advieskosten | OVERIGE VASTE LASTEN PARTICULIER | Legal advice costs |
43155 | Financieel advieskosten | OVERIGE VASTE LASTEN PARTICULIER | Financial advisory costs |
43156 | Ontvangen - lening/krediet | LENINGEN EN KREDIETEN | Received money from a loan |
43157 | Rente en aflossing - incassobureau | LENINGEN EN KREDIETEN | Payments made towards a collection agency to repay a loan and the corresponding interest |
43158 | Rente en aflossing - deurwaarder | LENINGEN EN KREDIETEN | Payments made towards a debt collector to repay a loan and the corresponding interest |
43159 | Rente en aflossing - studieschuld | LENINGEN EN KREDIETEN | Payments made to repay a study loan and the corresponding interest - mostly DUO |
43160 | Rente en aflossing - overig aan bedrijven | LENINGEN EN KREDIETEN | Payments made towards a another company to repay a loan and the corresponding interest |
43161 | Rente en aflossing - aan particulier | LENINGEN EN KREDIETEN | Payments made towards a person to repay a loan and the corresponding interest |
43162 | Verzorgingsartikelen | HUISHOUDELIJKE UITGAVEN | Expenses at a drugstore and beauty shop |
43163 | Fastfood, afhaal- en bezorgmaaltijden | HUISHOUDELIJKE UITGAVEN | Fastfood, take-away and delivery meals. Including coffee to-go. |
43164 | WW Uitkering | INKOMSTEN | Unemployed welfare - UWV |
43165 | WAO en WIA Uitkering | INKOMSTEN | Incapacitated welfare - UWV |
43166 | Ziektewet | INKOMSTEN | Illness welfare - UWV |
43167 | Uitkering overig | INKOMSTEN | Welfares not part of another category |
43168 | Bijstand | INKOMSTEN | Long term unemployment welfare - municipality |
43169 | Pensioen | INKOMSTEN | Received pension from a private fund |
43170 | Alimentatie ontvangen | INKOMSTEN | Alimony received |
43171 | Sport | RECREATIE/VRIJE TIJD | Expenses is sport shops |
43172 | Uit eten | RECREATIE/VRIJE TIJD | Restaurant |
43173 | Taxi en gedeeld vervoer | VERVOER | Taxi |
43174 | Overige belastingen | BELASTING | Taxes not covered by another category |
43175 | Huuropbrengsten | INKOMSTEN | Rental income |
43176 | Loonkosten | KOSTEN ZAKELIJK | Labour costs |
43460 | Crypto | INTERNE BOEKINGEN | Investment into crypto currencies |