A tutorial on how to use LinX to enrich bank transaction files with categories and information on the counterparts.
Quick Start Guide
Welcome to the documentation site for LinX Services. This guide will help you quickly understand the basics of request signing, request headers, obtaining consent, and calling our services.
1. Request Signing and Request Headers
To interact with LinX API, you need to sign your requests and include specific headers. Follow these steps:
Certificate and Password
- Install the Certificate: Obtain and install the certificate provided by Invers.
- Password: Use the password associated with your certificate for request signing.
Required Headers
Include the following headers in each request:
- ApiKey: Your unique API key.
- X-Request-ID: A GUID to uniquely identify each request.
- Date: The date and time of the request in RFC 2616 format:
- Digest: A SHA-512 or SHA-256 hash of the request body.
- Signature: The signed string using your certificate and private key.
Example Headers
ApiKey: cEZrSmVPLTN1XzVDM09nVDhEanlZaUJwYzRXTldpVUc=
X-Request-ID: 23bfabd8-3ffa-4e41-a851-2395f15a889e
Date: Tue, 22 May 2024 14:56:29 GMT
Digest: Base64(SHA512(body))
Signature: Base64(RSA-SHA512(signing_string))
2. Getting Consent
Consent Services Overview
Consent services allow partners to manage their customers' consents efficiently. Users can give consent through the ConsentWizard or directly via bank websites.
- Portal: A user-friendly portal for giving bank account consents.
- Session Management: Sessions are initiated through a generated URL, valid for 10 minutes.
- ReturnUrl: Users are redirected to this URL after giving consent.
- ConsentCollectionId: A GUID provided by the client to group related consents.
Steps to Use ConsentWizard
- Generate URL: Create a URL for the ConsentWizard session.
- User Interaction: User selects banks and gives consent.
- Redirection: User is redirected to the ReturnUrl.
- Collect Consents: Retrieve given consents using the ConsentInfo endpoint.
PSD2 Consents
Consents can be collected via:
- ConsentWizard: Users submit consents through the portal.
- Direct Request: Users are directed to the bank’s website for consent.
3. Calling the Services
After obtaining user consent, you can call various services using the API. Here are the services and their functions:
Aggregation Services
- Aggregate: Aggregates bank transactions with monthly averages.
- Budget: Adds reference numbers to aggregated transactions.
- Convert: Enriches bank transactions.
- Pivot: Totalizes transactions per specified period.
- Pivot Group: Groups and totalizes transactions per specified period and classification.
Profile and Forecast Services
- Profile: Generates a profile based on enriched transactions.
- Periodical Expenses: Forecasts fixed expenses for the upcoming year.
- Periodical Income: Forecasts fixed income for the upcoming year.
Indicator Services
- ILT: Evaluates income versus burden analysis.
- Indicator Business: Assesses creditworthiness.
Recurrence and Health Services
- Recurrence Service: Identifies recurrent and anomaly expenses/incomes.
- Bank Health: Provides an overview of bank uptime.
- Test Site: View the output of services in data, JSON, or raw format.
This quick start guide provides the essential steps to begin using the consent and data services. For detailed information, please refer to the full documentation on each service endpoint. Happy integrating!